Thursday, 8 September 2016

What is Heat Exchanger – Galaxy Process?

Heat exchangers are a staple in today's devices. They did not exist except in the simplest devices. They also found use in large-scale industries and services in the world today. They are basically devices in some machinery and equipment which enables it to heat transfer from one medium to another. They facilitate heat transfer efficiency from one object to another.

The use of heat exchangers:
One example of this is radioactive in cars or air conditioners. What usually happens is that the heat source is transferred water that will cool the engine through the exchanges. Exchangers transfer the heat from the water to the air, leaving the engine cooler.

It is widely used for heating purposes of air conditioning and refrigeration so. Heavy industries that also use this technology include electric power generation, chemical and petrochemical plants, oil refineries and petrol stations, natural gas processors, sanitation and water treatment.

Types of flow Heat exchangers:
It can be classified into two types, mainly according to their flow arrangement. This is a parallel flow heat exchanger counter-flow.
Exchanger of parallel flow involves two means going in the exchanges during the same side of the device. For example, two fluids enter the exchanger on the same side and travel parallel to each other on the whole process.
Counter flow heat exchanger, on the other hand, it is the opposite of the first operation. Here, the fluid will enter the device from different ends meet each other and to the process of heat exchange. Many of these use this flow because it is proven to be more effective than the two operations because it can transfer more heat from the heating medium to another. In this setting, the means to travel to each other and then are processed by a heat exchanger.

Traditionally, it has been exchanger is designed in a way that is maximized space between two fluid exchanger while minimizing resistance to the flow of trade at the same time. Additional fins installed in either direction, where the intervention fluids can also strengthen these exchanges. These fins in addition to the surface area of ​​the exchangers while also helping to control the flow of fluids during the exchange process.

The temperature during the heat exchange process:
Depending on the size of the exchanger and the temperature varies during the exchange process. The temperature also varies according to the position of the machine. But many of the industries in which the Heat Exchanger Manufacturer in India is almost always used their own definition of average temperatures.
This heat is usually defined in terms of the difference in the temperature record average or LMTD. Although sometimes the temperature is still difficult to determine through LMTD method, in this case, it is then used method of National Taiwan University.

Types of Heat Exchanger:
There are several types of heat exchangers used today. These exchanges include the shell tube, and plate heat exchangers, adiabatic wheel, plate fin, and exchanges fluid, dynamic scraped surface, and exchanges phase change, coil air HVAC, and exchanges spiral exchangers direct connection.

Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Benefits of High Speed Dispersers - Galaxy Process

Galaxy Process designed & manufacture of High-Speed Dispersers for high speed intensive, high shear mixing and dispersing of the product, and is often used in industries such as chemical, food and beverage industries, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics / personal care. It is ideal to disperse sticky. These mixers are used in a wide range of applications because of its ability to apply intense shear and shorten mixing cycles that require difficult mixing fluids to be formulated in emulsions, or agglomerated powders differentiate into a liquid medium. Today, technological innovations have led the  Dispersers that generate a strong vacuum induction ensures intense powder and urinating while delivering high discharge capacity.

The industry has a number of advantages when you use a High Speed Dispersers. For example, focusing in line up to 40% by weight can be produced in a single pass process. There is also an effective foundation powder savings and one-time payment. This High Speed Dispersers reduce dispersion times by up to 90% with a single pass to disperse concentrated powder. There is a big improvement in the consistency of the characteristics of manufactured products reproducible dispersion of the payment to boost the influence of pro-style rotary tools eliminates common issues connected with other mixers in line screen.

A unique high-speed divider that contains the innovative high technology, "ZC of" powder dispersion tools and head of the reactor design allows extreme shear of powders in a single pass before moisturizing, which produces a uniform dispersion powder free of lumps. A vacuum is created almost perfect for powder dispersion which allows concentrations in line up to 25% by weight to be generated in a single pass with the idea of ​​air entrainment minimum. Product yield is maximized and wastage is decrease or removed because the powder is fully hydrated after crossing the divider.

The main benefits of outstanding High Speed

• Performing foundation powder and boost savings time.
• Eliminate excessive joint processing technologies and other traditional disperse.
• Maintain rheological shear sensitive products characteristics, which also lead to savings component powder.
• Helps dispersion powder, such as by heating the aqueous phase and distracting in a semi-polar solvents are no longer necessary.

To keep up with the production of large quantities of consumers, and medicine, manufacturing, and industrial goods in the modern era, companies need to accelerate the development of technologies to meet demand. To the industry, the mixing process at the same time art and science that requires both innovative technological solutions and expertise in the "art" of mixing. High-Speed Dispersers ​​Internet is an essential tool used by all the companies that disperse products such as drugs, paint, chemicals, ink, adhesive, and much more. The production of products are excellent in performance. It is good business sense to use the latest innovations in the field of  Dispersers.

Tuesday, 24 May 2016

High Speed Disperser application & their Use

Every year our culture grows more interested in how their favorite products came to be. Whether you're here to learn more about the way in which your favorite products or businessmen who are looking for the right tools to mix your product, you have come to the right place. If you were to ask the average person on the street and ask them, "What is the high speed disperser?” Chances are, your answer may be a blank stare followed by a few moments of awkward silence. Terminology in this area may be unfamiliar to you. Do not be overwhelmed, and we're here to help! We have simplified Dictionary of Terms mixer can be found here: mixer terminology. Industrial mixing plays a vital role in helping companies produce quality products you and I enjoy. Today we will learn about the most common high shear mixer, and retail high speed.

What is a “High Speed Disperser”?
This is the most common used high shear mixer a high speed disperser uses a disk-shaped blade which is mounted on the shaft end mixing. Available in different sizes these blades and axes confused. To achieve high-speed disperser, it is recycled disperser blade in the optimum speed to achieve the proper flow pattern of the desired consistency in the bowl of your mixing. The appropriate amount of dispersion ultimately depends on the mixing vessel and the ingredients you want to mix size. Your ship can range in size from a cup to a stainless steel tank. In general, the design of high-speed disperser to perform liquid mixing operations is necessary to limit the cutting of a single element or smashing a block or set of particles. The majority of spreaders high-speed run through the employment of combat power mixing different materials subjected to an appropriate amount of force. The good news is that high-speed spreaders are often available with variable speed mixing options that meet the needs of the desired application. This involves the dispersion of the blades turning on the occasion of the preparatory meetings to crush the liquid or solid batch quantity.

High Speed Disperser Applications
And use high-speed disperser in a variety of different industries and applications. Often used in the mixing of food and beverage operations, cosmetics, paint, chemicals, inks, adhesives, and pharmaceuticals. In the retail high-speed is an invaluable tool in these industries because they can blend efficient products and components conjoin non-compliant. So the next time you appreciate the texture, variegated, or product flavor in these industries, you can thank the high-speed disperser.

Two of the most popular items that require high-speed disperser are ingredients in some snacks our favorite. These include things such as cheese and fat salad dressings. In the retail high speed allows food manufacturers to produce specific consistency in their products even when it may include a variety of ingredients. Such ingredients and spices, flavors, food colorants include.

In this growing industry of cosmetics and skin care and  high speed disperser and is often used to break away neatly blocks unwanted powder components and achieve a liquid to produce the right texture for consumers. This process allows almost infinite amount of their production lines, which include elements such as the foundation, perfume and tastes color, and skin care products.

Full hard combination is necessary when it comes to industrial mixing in the pharmaceutical industry. High-speed spreaders can be invaluable when it comes to mixing of pharmaceuticals process because the cooking is often a part of the process when mixing medications tool. Proper use of Mafraq high speed allows full fixed combination that achieves the most desirable come in the final product.

Where Can I Buy A High Speed Disperser?

Line mixer is allocated direct to the high shear mixer for each application. Our engineers have built systems to achieve high shear mixing in a cup up to disperser that deal with hundreds of gallons at one time. You can get a quote or more information the various  high speed disperser we offer you can find it here